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Hope and Healing Family Center is 8 Years Old!

Updated: Nov 7, 2022

September 14, 2014 is the date when everything started. Through the prayers and encouragement of family, friends and colleagues, Mrs. Suzette Jules Jack planted the first seeds of HHFC with one purpose; serving underserved communities!

Hope and Healing Family Center in different community events.

We Have Reached More Than 74 Low- Income Families

HHFC believes in equality in opportunity. Therefore, strengthening children and families in Brownsville, Bushwick, Bedford Stuyvesant, East New York and other low-income neighboring communities by providing services to address maternal and early childhood health disparities is our sacred mission.

During these 8 years, we have reached more than 74 low- income families through Community birthing services (doula), Postpartum services, Milk Depot and Case management services.

We had more than 76 births with the support of HHFC Doulas. Click to Tweet.

Our First Official Diaper Bank Is In Brooklyn

We are proud to announce at our 8th anniversary that we have started to serve as HHFC Brooklyn Diaper Bank! HHFC believes that clean diapers are a basic need for babies and their caregivers. Diaper need is a significant problem in the U.S. and affects more than five million children living in poor or low-income families. Babies without clean diapers are exposed to more potential health risks & less likely accepted to daycares, leaving parents unable to attend work.

Our work helps ensure families have enough diapers for their infants and toddlers. No one should have to worry about affording this basic need! Click to Tweet!

We will be doing our best to reach more and more underserved families throughout Brooklyn communities by providing services to address maternal and early childhood health disparities.

Thank you to all our donors, doulas, staff, volunteers and interns, for being with us on this journey! We couldn’t do it without your support!

Happy Birthday HHFC!

If you would like to share this journey and our services please Click to Tweet!

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